
Monday, June 3, 2013

Happy Monday!!!


Okay, so I am all moved in and semi unpacked.... Thank ya geebus!!! I am so excited to have shed that attachment.... I am free to go when I please at this point!!! I am so excited about this new feeling. I have nothing officially attaching me here to St. Louis. That is such a great feeling to have a huge signifier of what's to come. This is all about going on a journey... Yes I have an ultimate goal in mind, but I'm trying to enjoy the things along the way. I'm not going to say that my move was easy, but it was needed. 

I am such a planner and am always looking at the next thing, but when I was in it I experienced so much. It didn't hit me until the day of my move that I was moving out of my little cozy studio and into someone else's space. Yes, I do have my own room and privacy, but I was temporarily giving up my own for my ultimate goal. I know it was a little to late to be having these types of emotions since it was all in emotion, but I still had them. I had anxiety for all of 10 minutes and the thought of LA and this new found freedom quickly pushed that feeling out of my body.

I have learned not to hide or suppress my emotions, but to experience them, and most importantly, let them go. There is no use in holding on to emotions/feelings that are not beneficial to your spirit/being. This is not stated in some religious tone, but in a more spiritual sense. You have to be okay with self first before any of your dreams will come to fruition. I'm doing what my heart tells me to do and I'm learning how to be true to it each and everyday. We grow up being taught to doubt our instincts and to go with what the world has taught us, which is to be "logical." What is logical is not always what's best or what is right. I'm moving by my own beat and I hope your all are moving to your own as well. With that said.... HAPPY MONDAY!!!!

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