
Thursday, May 16, 2013

That Momentum

Momentum Build....

I am a full believer that building momentum is one in the same as paying it forward. 

I more so believe in my  vibration... It's a weird concept, but those that know what I'm referring to know. I am currently vibrating the thought of consistently working as a dancer no matter where I reside. You have to know your lane and know what you want because thoughts are actions/reality for me. There is no real gray area for me in this instance. 

Just within the last month or so I've been asked to do so many jobs while finding gigs on my own. I've WANTED to be in this position for a few years now, but never fully BELIEVED that it could actually happen. See, this is that vibration/thoughts that I spoke about earlier that you put forth that determine your life and success. I am at a point of really being mindful of the thoughts I have, because the things I want are occurring faster than I am expecting. I've found this center and there is just a knowing I have. Knowing that it's going happen just as I see it in my thought.

By the way, today is graduation day at Washington University and the energy here on campus is tremendous. So many hopeful parents and excited students here with thoughts of nothing but the future. I can't help but feed off that energy! Just so much promise and hope... all these people in one place vibrating the same energy... man this is intoxicating, but back to my original thought.

Living for me...
Pursing my passion....
With building this momentum, I am also aware of taking every smart opportunity. However, if the opportunity doesn't fit into my overall goal I am supposed to pass it off to someone else. Doing this you build a momentum of having choice and maneuverability. It's never in good practice to allow a great opportunity to go underutilized, you provide the opportunity to someone else. There's nothing wrong with giving someone an opportunity if you are unable to use it. There's this competitive edge that some people have that would buck against that idea. Everything is a competition, and you can't allow anyone to get ahead of you. I don't operate from that mindset, because you're concentrating on their life/career. When you're concentrating on someone else's career you're ignoring your own.

I have been lucky to be a little self-centered and only really see my world. When others have said that I am selfish or I don't think about them, they're right. It took me awhile to stop thinking about other people, their success, and their emotional well-being. That's not my place to save them or the world. It's their job to save themselves. I'm all about self- preservation and achievement. No one in this life is going to live my life nor give me my dream. I have to go out there and create it myself. Don't misconstrue my use of "selfishness" and "self-preservation," because I use them in the sense of ALWAYS doing what's best for me and not anyone else. 

I am no-one's mother or spouse so I don't have those types of obligations pressed upon me. It's just me, so why not do what I feel is best for me. I know everyone's road is different and this may not hold any weight to your life, but it is how I live mine. I am happier than I've ever been and feel extremely free. I operate in my space and don't feel as though I have to conform to any social script. What and where you think I should be at my current age, social status, pedigree, education, race, etc. is no concern to me at this point in my life. It's crazy, just 5 years ago I would have felt unsuccessful if I judged myself based on those categories.

Doing the things that make me happy....

I say all this to express how happy and free I feel right now. I am soooooo excited for this next chapter. Venturing out on my own into a completely different life than I have lived and the amount of freedom I will have has me jumping out of my seat right now. I'm not built for the traditional lifestyle, even though it's perfectly fine to be. I feel restricted and stifled..... I'm looking forward to moving to my own drum. Just a few more weeks!!! This post felt great to write.

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