Man.... The things that you say to yourself are powerful in the actions that you make both conscious and unconsciously. I am starting to hit my stride. I don't know how many of you have ever ran track, but you know that feeling as you are finishing rounding the curve and leveling out. After you've leaned in and begin to hit the straight away... Yeah... I'm right there. I'm beginning to finish the curve right now. I'm yearning to hit my stride. It's coming, and it's coming soon. I can feel it.
It's funny how you clear some things can be yet others there's this cloud that encases it. I'm fanning away the smoke at this point. Sometimes, I can get in my own way by thinking to much, which has been a gift and a curse. When I get it, I get it. My brain is working so much and so hard sometimes I don't necessarily take the time out to really figure out what I'm missing. This is especially true when it comes to dancing... There may be a part or two that I don't fully understand, and unfortunately fail to ask for clarification due to my attention being on everything else within the routine.
It's funny how the mind works. It's a lot that goes on in my brain, and I think I've figured out to think, but not think. I know you are sitting there thinking "girl, whet?!?" I'm completely serious though.... While dancing, you need to have a level in your mind that you stay. It's not quite thought, but you're not quite brain dead/turned off. You can't be having a conversation with yourself or thinking about what's next necessarily. For me, I can't space. I have to be VERY present. I have to be in between each moment. When I'm dancing there is no concept of time just the space I'm in at that moment. So, when I randomly look up at the time during a water break I'm shocked (I don't know why I should be used to it) by how long I'd been dancing when it only felt like 15 minutes.
That present moment is what I call being in the vortex. Some of you may understand what I'm talking about, and have been tracking with me on that topic since my first post. That vortex is something major if you can really understand it and know how to just be there and allow it to happen. It's crazy how much I've developed in sensing when I'm in and out of the vortex. I look for cues that I'm in the vortex all the time. It'll do that when you're in it... Some see this kind of moment as being a coincidence or God showing up. I don't like those connotations, but I'm just trying to help you understand where I'm coming from.
I don't have an issue with religion. I just don't really agree with the ideology or philosophy of some separate entity having fully control of your life and you're just playing a part in it.The concept of being in the vortex and vibrating things (Being -not believing or wishing- what you want or having) is that you attract EVERYTHING that is in your life and that's happening to you. There is no outside entity that has caused what is currently occurring. You are the root.
I say this all to say watch your thoughts. Even the ones you aren't conscious of initially. I have realized that and my life has changed and is changing in SUCH an amazing away. I attribute that all to my positive and encouraging mindset, and also taking responsibility for my life and everything that occurs in it.
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