
Monday, June 17, 2013

That just put a huge smile on my face!!!!

The idea of me leaving in 54 Days keeps a smile on my face..... I know that I don't have that much of time left before I'm on the road west, but at the same time I feel like it's taking FOREVER!!!! Yes, I know. I should be patient, BUT that's not what my heart and mind are saying to me. They are already there... My physical is still here.... I'm doing everything that I can to prepare myself and my situation....

When I posted a few weeks back about moving by leaps and bounds I was not kidding.... I need to see improvement at every turn and event... I'm not kidding about this... I have set goals and know where I want to be in a year. The world is at my finger tips so why not strive for the stars... I'm so amped you have no idea!!!!

I'm trying my hardest to start vlogging for you guys so you can get my in the moment reactions, but momma is in a whole other world sometimes when I leave a rehearsal or class. The last thing that I'm thinking about is vlogging..... I use that time to process what has just happened.... what I can improve on... how I felt certain moments... where/when I need to push myself... staying in that moment.... It's all about staying in that moment and going for it all....

I will start working on the vlogging though so you can get a small glimpse of my world as I experience it. Happy Monday guys!!! I love Mondays!!! Why!?!?!?!? .... Because I get to start my dance week ALL OVER AGAIN!!! You know you love it!!!!

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