
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Live and Let Live....

Last night, better yet yesterday, was interesting to say the least.....

The major lesson I learned yesterday was to just let things go and don't dedicate energy to unnecessary, uncontrollable, and unimportant things bother me. Things happen and don't happen for a reason in my book.I don't allow myself to be crushed by everything that falls through or doesn't pan out like I want it too. Of course I'm human and I get disappointed, but my life doesn't stop there.

I allow the emotion. I experience it.... then I let it go. I'm getting better and better at doing this quickly. I don't really have anytime right now to lose my focus. I know where I'm going and I know what I will be doing in my near future. I have a clear vision.

"Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world."
- Nelson Mandela

I know that there may be some not so perfect moments in my life and I'm okay with that. It's my journey and no one else's.... That's why I take cues from other people, but don't expect my journey to be a carbon copy of someone else's. I take everything with a grain of salt because everyone has a story. Their thoughts, emotions, feelings etc. come from somewhere right? I just look at the experience and the opportunity they were presented and that I'm presented and work from their. Their experience is really of no concern to me because it's all in your energy and mindset.

I say this all to remind myself that this is my journey and to enjoy the rough patches and the process.

Good morning!

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