Good energy begets good energy!!!! Be careful of the energy that you put out there because you will get that back exactly! Make sure the things that you want are the things that you visualize. I always get the things that I want because I simply already see myself with it. Try this out for like 3 to 4 weeks and see what happens. You will begin to see that the things your really focus on and work towards are the things that you actually get.
There's no point in complaining about the things that you don't have, because it's essentially you that are preventing you from getting them. Think about it. You keep telling yourself you are not going to get something and guess what happens..... YOU DON'T GET IT!!! Think about getting it without anytype of doubt and wallah! You have it!
Crazy concept right?
No, I'm a firm believer in this. I wasn't always though. I use to wrap my wants and desires up with doubt and fear. I'm basically telling the universe this is what I want, but I don't actually want to have it. That's a quite confusing message to be putting out so of course your subconscious feels like it's stuck and almost powerless. You can't just wish or pray about it. You have to focus on it and put things into motion to get whatever it is..... I do this in my daily life. There are some things I still have to work on and work out, but I know that it all starts in my mind.
For instance, I want to lose a certain amount of weight by the end of August. At least 20 lbs or so... Some would say Desarai', where is that weight going to come, and express/press all of THEIR insecurities on me. I know me and I know my body. I know what it can and will look like.... So for those who have something you can have something to say.... I just don't allow that in.
I figured I give a real example in my life since I'm in the sharing mood. Most people will give you all these abstract ideas and nothing real to compare your goals to. I thought I'd jump out of the masses and tell you guys one of my serious goals. I know that may seem a little outrageous to you, but this is MY reality. Nothing is outrageous to me.... I've seen so many people make the impossible possible so none of that nay saying exits in my mind. It's all possible. Whether you agree with it is not my problem.
*Kanye Shrugg* It's all in what you make it.
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