
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wake up call.

I had a wonderful wake up call this morning. No, no one actually called me on my cellphone to wake me up this morning, but I sort of just had a small epiphany. I state all the time how you have to really watch the things that you say about yourself and to yourself because thoughts are actions....

What I failed to also comprehend is that what you put INTO your brain also has a major effect.

I do limit the ratchet things I tune into and the rid myself of the ratchet/dramatic people in my life, but it wasn't until this morning that I realized I need to revisit the those things I allow into this dome of mine. I know I'm in a great space mentally and physically, but I will always strive for greater.

This post is sparked by several things I experienced these past few days. The first thing was waking up and looking through social media and seeing a situation that bothered me a little. The fact that the victim is continuously shaping the situation and mindset so that she's made to be the victim is bothersome to me. Own it and change it... Don't complain about it but you're not really doing anything to stop the cycle. I'd love to help so much, but that's not my place. You have to let people go through what they go through and hope that one day they figure it out. You can't live someone else's life nor change it unless they really want it to change.

I just had to let that situation go, but it did spark a thought of "why am I even tuning into the drama/ratchetness???" It got thinking about the other "ratchetness" I allow into my space...

I have a secret to tell you all... yes, I do watch Love & Hip Hop Atlanta!!!! Duh duh duuuhhhhh.... lol... Nothing new to you though.

I use to say that I watched it for the drama because that's the only morsel of drama I will allow in my brain. However, I am realizing that I am making efforts to tune into it when it comes on Monday nights... yes I know the day and time.... I mean, this past Monday I had to resist the urge to go to the gym later so that I could watch it as I ran on the treadmill. Yeah, it's that deep. That bothers me. I don't want anything but dancing to have that type of effect on me. To make me want to change around my schedule to see it... that's a problem. That show is not worth it. lol...

Which brings me to this morning.... I reread this amazing article in Italian Vogue, I believe, and watched Jay-Z's interview on Hot 97 with Angie Martinez this morning and it just solidified things for me. To be great you have to surround yourself with great things.... Funny how my mind makes these connections, but hey, the wonderful attribute of being right brained...

But anyway.... I have to be a little more meticulous about a lot of things... and one being the things I allow into my psyche. I feel a new chapter starting not just in the physical but also mental.

I love mornings like this... the gloom/gloomy energy today has really helped to center my energy not to mention the 8 hours of sleep I got last night. Happy Hump Day!!! Don't forget to donate anything you can to my LA Fund.... Hit this link and it will take you there directly... Thanks in advance.... Love you guys for listening.

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