So, where have I been you ask?
I'll spare you uninteresting details and give you the cliff notes. I have been making sure that I am living comfortably and making my head-space as clear as possible.
It's so easy to move to LA with a bunch of crazy and idealistic aspirations but forget about the real world that is in front of you. Without a clear direction those that come out here get caught up in the sauce.
Since moving to LA I have come to the conclusion that you have to be solidified in you and your dreams before anything will work out for you. There is no imaginary being (The Devil) out here trying to turn you into some drug addicted pornstar or prevent you from your dreams. You are that entity. Whatever you have in your spirit/energy before you come out here will manifest itself into your life because the energy is that strong out here. Being in LA is all about manifestations... Whatever your place your thoughts on good or bad that's what you will receive. There is a reason they say that is the city of "lost angels." Whatever you want, be or hold deep you will manifest it into your surroundings regardless of your conscious decisions.
In saying this I have been in a mode of shedding unhelpful and unnecessary energies that I have curated and picked up from those that were closely around me prior to coming to LA. I love it here and don't regret a single moment of my time here over the past 2 years. I have so much to be appreciative about it's sickening...
I wanted to just post a new little blurb to reintroduce myself to those that have read my previous posts, because I've evolved so much since my last post. So buckle-up and get ready to take this amazing journey with me. Let's go!!!!