This week's vision board.... This is the energy I'm feeling right about now...
A blog about a little bit of EVERYTHING.... Fashion, Music LA, and most important... Dance... Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
No routines, no, no routines...
Getting into routines and comfort zones is not the play for me right now. I've resorted to keeping myself in a state of change/movement. There is no reason for me to be really settling in right now nor in my new future. Everything is movement now. If it's not moving it's not working in my realm.
I know that my energy my seem like it's on 10, but it's really not. My energy is actually at a 5 and a half, 6 in all honesty. The true turnt-up-ness will occur at my final destination. I am hitting the ground running once there.... I have my departure date of when I will be there. You guys will be filled in as it happens, and, of course, dates of when things should have jumped-off. At the same time, I'm not married to those dates. I operate well off of deadlines. Plain and simple. I won't settle, I know what it looks like and how I feel when I start to get settled in and content with how things are going. I don't want that mentality in this new space I'm headed to. I want to build on myself and brand. I want more!
I know that my energy my seem like it's on 10, but it's really not. My energy is actually at a 5 and a half, 6 in all honesty. The true turnt-up-ness will occur at my final destination. I am hitting the ground running once there.... I have my departure date of when I will be there. You guys will be filled in as it happens, and, of course, dates of when things should have jumped-off. At the same time, I'm not married to those dates. I operate well off of deadlines. Plain and simple. I won't settle, I know what it looks like and how I feel when I start to get settled in and content with how things are going. I don't want that mentality in this new space I'm headed to. I want to build on myself and brand. I want more!
So at this point this is the destination/goal.. Now Desarai', get there...
Everything else will figure itself out.
I'm moving THIS WEEK!!! Aaahhh!!!! May 31st to be exact!!!
I AM MOVING!!!! This week... Lord be with me. I have so much going on and I'd love a little nap! Let'sjust say that this Sunday I will be sleeping ALL day!
I am so ready for this purge yet my body is not ready for this purge of things I no longer need. I will mostly be giving this stuff away because it was given to me. I don't want the headache of trying to sell items that I did not pay for. There is no push behind doing so. Oh, I forgot to mention that I will have a roommate!!! Eek! Yes, I know. But it's all worth it. I won't be home most of the time anyway. My new roommate is actually really cool, and it's only for a few months. I just needed to do this initial purge of "things."
It feels like I'm unlatching myself... like there is less and less things that are keeping me here. I'm no longer mentally attached to any job, person or dwelling. That makes me feel wonderful. I can just get up and go!!! I'll talk to you guys later!
I am so ready for this purge yet my body is not ready for this purge of things I no longer need. I will mostly be giving this stuff away because it was given to me. I don't want the headache of trying to sell items that I did not pay for. There is no push behind doing so. Oh, I forgot to mention that I will have a roommate!!! Eek! Yes, I know. But it's all worth it. I won't be home most of the time anyway. My new roommate is actually really cool, and it's only for a few months. I just needed to do this initial purge of "things."
It feels like I'm unlatching myself... like there is less and less things that are keeping me here. I'm no longer mentally attached to any job, person or dwelling. That makes me feel wonderful. I can just get up and go!!! I'll talk to you guys later!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Getting the ITCH!
Okay, so I'm getting that itch!
I'm getting that itch to change my hair again. I love the blonde, but I want to be a little more fiery with my look. I feel like everyone is either blonde or red.... I don't want either of those colors right now... I want something a little different. Do you remember this photo from my vision board?
That is sort of the color that I'm going for. I want something a little bit dangerous, especially since I don't have any danger in my life. LOL! This color is doing something to me right now and I'm so tempted to do it!!!! Eeeek!!!! So, you know what? I think I might add this to my list of things to do in the near future. As if I needed to add anything else I decide that I want a new hairstyle. Errrrr.... I hate myself sometimes. LOL! j/k. This color just seems to make her skin glow and that's what I want! A little raggedy, but still chic' at the same time. This hair color does it for me chile. I need some of this in my life.
Okay, off this thing. This is my third post this morning. Sheesh! Blogger is about to be my new obsession. Stay tuned......
I'm getting that itch to change my hair again. I love the blonde, but I want to be a little more fiery with my look. I feel like everyone is either blonde or red.... I don't want either of those colors right now... I want something a little different. Do you remember this photo from my vision board?
That is sort of the color that I'm going for. I want something a little bit dangerous, especially since I don't have any danger in my life. LOL! This color is doing something to me right now and I'm so tempted to do it!!!! Eeeek!!!! So, you know what? I think I might add this to my list of things to do in the near future. As if I needed to add anything else I decide that I want a new hairstyle. Errrrr.... I hate myself sometimes. LOL! j/k. This color just seems to make her skin glow and that's what I want! A little raggedy, but still chic' at the same time. This hair color does it for me chile. I need some of this in my life.
Okay, off this thing. This is my third post this morning. Sheesh! Blogger is about to be my new obsession. Stay tuned......
I'm Moving!!!
I'M MOVING!!!!!!!!
So, we're starting the first leg of my LA journey!!! Aren't you guys excited I know I'm am. This is the first portion of this EPIC adventure, and I can't wait. I am moving out of my apartment!!! I'm about to shed some the weight of having an apartment with "essential" furniture. No more couch, coffee table, lamps (well I'll keep one or two), kitchen table, hangers, dishes, etc. I'm moving in with a girlfriend and all I'm going to need is my bed and dresser. I can start getting rid of stuff.
Up until now I've been playing this whole waiting game. Like I'm prepped to go, but can't start executing because it isn't the proper time. Proper time meaning: if I starting throwing away crap now I'd be doing it to early and thus inconveniencing myself. I don't have time for that. I need things to flow naturally thus why I've decided not to start executing anything. However, right now.... IT'S GO TIME!!! I need to pack and clean my apartment in approximately one week. Talk about crunch time!!! By the way I'll be out of Saturday through Monday.... so I will lose 3 days! Womp womp.... I operate well under deadlines though.
I really don't care though BECAUSE I'm moving!!! This is one good purge I was waiting on. Nevermind the deadline, this is a huge signifier of what I'm doing. This is like "Hey! This is happening!" I am so amp right now I don't know what to do with myself other than organize and plan. Like I said in a previous post I thrive in the moving and grooving of things, this is no different. With that said, who wants to help me move? ........ I'll wait. If you're reading this blog then you can help. :D J/K.... sort of.
That Midnight Oil
As of late I've been burning the midnight oil.
It's either a rehearsal, class, the gym, or a promo... and honey, momma is exhausted... My only savor has been a double shot of espresso in my coffee every morning and a Redbull in the afternoon. I'm not complaining though.... I thrive off of constant movement. I don't think that I could ever just sit around and do nothing, that has never been my style.
I've always been over scheduled and made use of every moment I'm given. I can remember signing up for things as a kid without my mother's knowledge. I loved being involved and I always kept my own schedule. I'm talking 3rd grade way back way back.I was in band and can remember setting my trumpet (I was awesome by the way) next to the door the night before practice so I'd take it to school with me the next day. Practice was always after school and I knew to get out to the after school buses right after practice so that I could get home... Sheesh! I was a beast even at that young of an age, not to mention I practiced at least an hour or two each night after homework. I was a driven kid. No parental influence was necessary. Some people have affectionately called me a woman-child and I can see it.
In saying all that I'm not surprised that at this point in my life I'm still the same way. I like being busy, and adding things to ALL my resumes. As of right now I have four different running essays. All of which are in different career fields. By the way I'm very organized, but not OCD. I just know where to find my -ish. But anyway, I'm beginning to ramble. I will post later on today! Happy Thursday!!! Today is actually my Friday.... but not really. lol!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
This Week's Vision Board 05/20/13
This week's vision board....
I actually do this quite often... These are images that inspire me to move. Move meaning to achieve the things that I want for myself at this current point in my life.... I am in a constant state of change and embrace all things new, so I love creating these vision boards. I just thought I'd share one of them with you guys. I'll keep posting them if you guys like... Feel free to let me know... Don't be afraid to comment!
Monday, May 20, 2013
My bed....
The place where I never am but cherish the most. Just laying her, currently, I think and dream while I'm awake. This is the place that comforts me and nurtures my dreams. I plan so much from my pillow. My mind knows no bounds when I'm laying here.
I know I may be having a werido moment but it's my moment to have. There aren't many times in my day that I am still. At work there is constant motion even when I'm sitting at my desk. Here, there are no confines of work-related walls. I'm on no one else's time but my own. I cherish these moments because with the blink of an eye I'm back up and out the door.
Speaking of being up and out the door I have a rehearsal in a few for an amazing up and coming artist, so this pyt needs to get on her feet soon. I will let you guys know more in a few days.... Roadtrip!!!!
I know I may be having a werido moment but it's my moment to have. There aren't many times in my day that I am still. At work there is constant motion even when I'm sitting at my desk. Here, there are no confines of work-related walls. I'm on no one else's time but my own. I cherish these moments because with the blink of an eye I'm back up and out the door.
Speaking of being up and out the door I have a rehearsal in a few for an amazing up and coming artist, so this pyt needs to get on her feet soon. I will let you guys know more in a few days.... Roadtrip!!!!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
What I've been listening to...
What I've been listening to as of late..... yes!
Some of my faves off of the album.
"That Girl"
"Don't Hold The Wall"
For your viewing pleasure.... These girls went in.
"Don't Hold The Wall" - Choreographed by Miss Andye J
That Momentum
Momentum Build....
I am a full believer that building momentum is one in the same as paying it forward.
I more so believe in my vibration... It's a weird concept, but those that know what I'm referring to know. I am currently vibrating the thought of consistently working as a dancer no matter where I reside. You have to know your lane and know what you want because thoughts are actions/reality for me. There is no real gray area for me in this instance.
By the way, today is graduation day at Washington University and the energy here on campus is tremendous. So many hopeful parents and excited students here with thoughts of nothing but the future. I can't help but feed off that energy! Just so much promise and hope... all these people in one place vibrating the same energy... man this is intoxicating, but back to my original thought.
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Living for me... |
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Pursing my passion.... |
I have been lucky to be a little self-centered and only really see my world. When others have said that I am selfish or I don't think about them, they're right. It took me awhile to stop thinking about other people, their success, and their emotional well-being. That's not my place to save them or the world. It's their job to save themselves. I'm all about self- preservation and achievement. No one in this life is going to live my life nor give me my dream. I have to go out there and create it myself. Don't misconstrue my use of "selfishness" and "self-preservation," because I use them in the sense of ALWAYS doing what's best for me and not anyone else.
I am no-one's mother or spouse so I don't have those types of obligations pressed upon me. It's just me, so why not do what I feel is best for me. I know everyone's road is different and this may not hold any weight to your life, but it is how I live mine. I am happier than I've ever been and feel extremely free. I operate in my space and don't feel as though I have to conform to any social script. What and where you think I should be at my current age, social status, pedigree, education, race, etc. is no concern to me at this point in my life. It's crazy, just 5 years ago I would have felt unsuccessful if I judged myself based on those categories.
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Doing the things that make me happy.... |
I say all this to express how happy and free I feel right now. I am soooooo excited for this next chapter. Venturing out on my own into a completely different life than I have lived and the amount of freedom I will have has me jumping out of my seat right now. I'm not built for the traditional lifestyle, even though it's perfectly fine to be. I feel restricted and stifled..... I'm looking forward to moving to my own drum. Just a few more weeks!!! This post felt great to write.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Until today.... Secrets.
Until today I've been so secretive about my life and what I'm doing. Not that I'm trying to hide my journey, but that I didn't want anyone viewing my world due to me being afraid they wouldn't understand or indirectly trying to sabotage me. I know that not everyone has the guts to follow their dreams and drop their safe world for the unknown.... I get that.
It hasn't been until the last few months that I've become more open with it and have allowed others to really see what I'm doing and how I'm moving. No one knows my day-to-day or any specific details, but they do know that I'm in full forward motion to LA. I'm no longer scared of others' opinions or their nosiness. Their actions/thoughts are no longer able to affect my world, so I'm able to share my journey with you all.
Now I'm going to be honest, this isn't really just for the world to see. I'm actually being quite selfish right now. This blog is really for me to document my journey. I've only done this once in my life and that was when I was in Australia Spring '09. No-one knows of the journal I kept during that time and the photos that have so many memories and thoughts attached to them. That trip helped me learn so much about myself, because I was alone most of the time and basically on my own. I was a world away and no one was going to be there to catch me if I fell. This journey I'm embarking on is the same thing, and I'd like to take the time to document it. This experience is a new chapter in my life I'd fully like to experience when I look back on it in a 10 years.
Everything thus far has been leading up to these next few months of my life, and I can barely stay in my seat!!! I'm ready for this and have nothing to look back at. This is where my life starts... No more just living/existing... No more of trying to figure me out.... Second-guessing...etc. I know what I want and my story will unfold as it happens the way I see it. I am glad to have realized this now at 20-something than never having figured it out.
With all that said let the journey BEGIN!!!! You coming with?
It hasn't been until the last few months that I've become more open with it and have allowed others to really see what I'm doing and how I'm moving. No one knows my day-to-day or any specific details, but they do know that I'm in full forward motion to LA. I'm no longer scared of others' opinions or their nosiness. Their actions/thoughts are no longer able to affect my world, so I'm able to share my journey with you all.
Now I'm going to be honest, this isn't really just for the world to see. I'm actually being quite selfish right now. This blog is really for me to document my journey. I've only done this once in my life and that was when I was in Australia Spring '09. No-one knows of the journal I kept during that time and the photos that have so many memories and thoughts attached to them. That trip helped me learn so much about myself, because I was alone most of the time and basically on my own. I was a world away and no one was going to be there to catch me if I fell. This journey I'm embarking on is the same thing, and I'd like to take the time to document it. This experience is a new chapter in my life I'd fully like to experience when I look back on it in a 10 years.
Everything thus far has been leading up to these next few months of my life, and I can barely stay in my seat!!! I'm ready for this and have nothing to look back at. This is where my life starts... No more just living/existing... No more of trying to figure me out.... Second-guessing...etc. I know what I want and my story will unfold as it happens the way I see it. I am glad to have realized this now at 20-something than never having figured it out.
With all that said let the journey BEGIN!!!! You coming with?
Friday, May 10, 2013
Well Hello!!
Well Hello!!!
How are you today? I'm doing well, thank you! I have decided that I want start blogging. I've always like sharing aspects of my life and figured there would be a few people that were interested in tuning in. This is going to be my journey from St. Louis, MO to TINSEL TOWN!!! HOLLYWOOD!!! I'm pursing my dreams as I urge all of you to do. To me it's never to late. You should also do what your heart tells you to do. TO HELL WITH REASON. LOL! I kid, I kid. No,but seriously go after your dreams. Take the steps needed to get there. There's no such thing as you can't. The reason you aren't doing what you want to be doing is because you're stopping yourself. Get out of your own way and do what makes YOU happy. At the end of the day it's you who will be in that casket. No one is going with you, so with that said why let other people and society determine what and how you choose to live your life. Get after it. And with that welcome to my world.... Get comfy chile because this is about to be a crazy ass ride!!!!!!!!!
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